
os não-lugares da nossa contemporaneidade

"Smoke", 1995 realizado por Paul Auster e Wayne Wang

Auggie (Harvey Keitel) tira uma fotografia todos os dias, às 7 da manhã, da esquina da sua loja de Tabaco para a esquina oposta. Todos os dias, à mesma hora, com o mesmo angulo, durante 14 anos. Juntando-as posteriormente em arrumados catalogos pretos, armazenando mais de 4000 fotografias.

Aqui fica o soberbo diálogo entre Auggie e Paul quando este lhe mostra os seus catálogos.

Auggie: Just come to me. Ity’s my corner after all. I mean, it’s just one little part of the world, but things take place there, too, just like everywhere else. It’s a record of my little spot.

Paul: It’s kind of overwhelming.

Auggie: You’ll never get it if you don’t slow down, my friend.

Paul: What do you mean?
Auggie: I mean, you’re going too fast. You’re hardly even lookin’ at the pictures.

Paul: But... they’re all the same.

Agguie: They’re all the same, but each one is different from every other one. You got your bright mornings and your dark mornings. You got you summer light and you your autumn light. You got your weekdays and your weekends. You got your people in overcoats and galoshes… and you got your people in t-shirts and shorts. Sometimes the same people, same time different ones. Sometimes the different ones become the some and the same ones disappear. The Earth revolves around the sun, and every day, the light from the sun hits the Earth at a different angle.

Paul: Slow down, huh?

Auggie: That’s what I’d recommend. You know how it is. “Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow… time creeps on its petty pace.”

Lebbeus Woods

DMZ Demilitarizade zone - "terra nova"

The Korean Demilitarized Zone is a strip of land running across the Korean Peninsula that serves as a buffer zone between North and South Korea.

Tadashi Kawamata III

Catedral de Cadeiras, Ville de Reims France 2007


M-CH Micro Compact Home

The micro compact home [m-ch] is a lightweight compact dwelling for one or two people. Its compact dimensions of 2.6m cube adapt it to a variety of sites and circumstances, and its functioning spaces of sleeping, working / dining, cooking and hygiene make it suitable for everyday use.



Stanko Abadzic

When There Is No Grass II


7 pecados mortais



Uchronia III

aqui fica o making off para os mais curiosos!

Uchronia II


instalação artistica criada para o festival Burning Man 2006 pela comunidade artistica Uchronians de origem germanica e belga.

Burning Man

Festival de arte "Burning Man" 2006 em Black Rock City no deserto do Nevada, USA

Amelia II

a propósito do último post...

aqui fica o prometido aos visitantes mais assiduos!

5 extraordinários minutos com a

Mistaya Hemingway e o Jason Shipley-holmes.



Existem universos que me fascinam, em particular o bailado Amélia de
Edouard Lock interpretado pela companhia La La La Human Steps.



Relogio de sol (Samrat Yantra) em Jaipur, India.
A Torre com 25 metros e o arco a 13 de altura.
Consegue revelar a hora exacta com um possível desvio de 2 segundos.